Fireworks Info : Fireworks Disaster

Fireworks Disaster | Fireworks are colorful and beautiful. But who would have thought the fireworks also bring disaster, if ignited improperly and illegally. This incident was not the first time in China. As a result of fireworks that it's cheap and can be owned by all citizens of China, many citizens of China are injured or killed during the fireworks. Fireworks explosion also claimed during a vacation in the hotel and arts complex in Beijing last year.

The explosion occurred on Friday, February 26, upon the celebration that took place in a village in Guangdong Province, China. People, who celebrate this new year of China, set up the fireworks festivals in their area. Suspected origin of the explosion came from formulated fireworks illegally. Ignition of fireworks is not aware if the impact is very powerful explosion. The size of the yield of these fireworks, causing some of the front of the house badly damaged. (NEW YEAR FIREWORKS BLASTING IN CHINA)

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Rizkyzone said...

many cases of fires caused by fireworks

mascipul said...

i agreed with rizky... it can be a deadly stuff if we are careless

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