Fireworks Info : Fireworks Explain

Fireworks Explain | Fireworks is a construction materials such as cardboard, paper, plastic and metal, and containing explosive or flammable mixtures of chemicals (also called locks), that occur in inflammatory effects such as light, sound, smoke or motion. Is often used in fireworks gunpowder, consisting of sulfur (S), charcoal (mainly carbon (C), but also contains the necessary catalyst potash (K2CO3)) and nitrate or potassium nitrate (KNO3). It is potassium nitrate the oxygen supplier. The reaction will include the gaseous products CO, CO2 and N2 Fri, besides potassium sulphate and carbonate. In the gunpowder, the relationship between different substances, so there is such a mixture of potassium nitrate, carbon and sulfur in a weight ratio of 75:15:10. There is also flash powder, gunpowder is a mixture of carbon powder is replaced by metal (magnesium or aluminum), often the potassium nitrate is also replaced by a more powerful oxidizer, potassium chlorate or potassium perchlorate is particularly "popular". This is particularly responsible for the color effects of the fireworks. There is a distinction between lust or fireworks and professional fireworks or severity.

Fireworks Explain

Fireworks safety
  • Never throw fireworks.
  • Do not experiment with fireworks: do not open it.
  • Stop fireworks loose in coat or trouser pockets.
  • Remove heavy clothing without hood that is resistant to sparks (no nylon).
  • Study the use of advance
  • Ensure that Fireworks is always solid and stable. Put arrows always half-filled bottle with sand. Save a PVC pipe into the ground for large rockets.
  • Turn off fireworks pots always caught between two stones.
  • Connect with a aansteeklont fireworks, cigarette or cigar. Never use matches or a lighter.
  • Do not put fireworks in your hand.
  • Plug not gone off fireworks ever again.
  • Make sure others at least six meters away.
  • Never point fireworks at people, animals or flammable materials.
  • Never homemade fireworks.

Fireworks History

Fireworks was probably discovered by the Bengals (the word "Bengali fireworks' alludes to the country Bangladesh), but was widely used by the Chinese, at the beginning of our era. They used it in religious events to evil spirits. Soldiers sometimes use fireworks to illuminate areas or giving signals. The Chinese certainly were equipped from the early 13th century gunpowder, the main ingredient of fireworks. Shortly after the Chinese had discovered gunpowder, they were already testing them. The tests were on different types of fireworks. The Chinese fireworks were mainly made in the city of Liu Yang, where scientists worked on the special effects and explosive power of good. Fireworks after the discovery was soon on his way to Europe. Since it was received with great ceremony, in many courts were strengthened with fireworks spectaculars, including the Court of Versailles.

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Rizkyzone said...

in china nice things fireworks design

mascipul said...

thank you for telling me the story of this amazing thing

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