Fireworks Info : World's New Year with Fireworks

World's New Year with Fireworks - The celebration began one day earlier on Kiritimati, or Christmas Island in the Pacific Ocean. The island is part of the Republic of Kiribati and is on the other side of the international date line.

Australia received around 1.5 million people in Sydney Harbour on a large fireworks shows. Followed shortly after Asia. In Hong Kong, thousands of people together to enjoy the fireworks from tall buildings. In the rest of China was silent, there is a different calendar and New Year falls on a different day.

World's New Year with Fireworks

In Thailand, the New Year celebrate without fireworks . A year ago, the night of 65 old and new people are killed by a fire in a nightclub in Bangkok. Which was caused by fireworks inside was lit off.

With the passage of time allowed the Russians in the new year. On the Red Square in Moscow gathered more than 120,000 people. Then it was Western Europe's turn to zero the years behind them. In Paris and Berlin had made great crowds gathered together to count. Even in those cities was a good fireworks.

In the Netherlands, partied in Rotterdam at the Erasmus Bridge and the Museumplein in Amsterdam. Tens of thousands of people watched performances by artists and the fireworks. One hour later, the countdown in the British capital London. Also there were tens of thousands of people gathered at the Big Ben, the bell of the parliament building.

Hours later, North and South America's turn. On Copacabana Beach in Brazil thousands of people danced. On the Brazilian beaches were at the turn of the year as many as two million people are expected. They were lucky: in old and new it was dry, after six days of continuous rainfall.

In the U.S. city of New York saw hundreds of thousands of people to pass six hours Dutch time the ball pockets during the countdown in Times Square. The security in and around the square were huge, after an unsuccessful attack on a passenger plane a few days ago.

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Rizkyzone said...

Indonesia is not listed

mascipul said...

indonesia has... you must make it in list

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