Fireworks Shows : Bowling Green Fireworks Spared

BOWLING GREEN, Ohio (WUPW) - Bowling Green's Fourth of July fireworks display is saved.

A three-week fundraising effort raised more than $14,000. The city also received a $10,000 grant from from Liberty Mutual.

Liberty Mutual awarded 10 cities across the United States for their "Bring Back the 4th Contest."

The fireworks were originally canceled after Bowling Green cut out funding for the annual display. The grassroots effort was spearheaded by Pastor Dennis Gugger of Bowling Green Alliance Church.

The Chamber of Commerce and First Federal Bank got involved to set up an account for the firework fund.

"We just knew this community has always pulled and we just had this underlying positive tone that it was going to happen," said Earlene Kilpatrick, chamber of commerce executive director.

The fireworks fund will remain open for donations for 2011.

Bowling Green's fireworks shows will be held at dusk on July 4 on the intramural fields at Bowling Green State University. If it rains, the display will be held July 5.

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1 comment:

Rizkyzone said...

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