Fireworks Info : Fireworks’ risks are real, officials warn

MILTON — With the Fourth of July approaching, officials warned yesterday of the dangers of fireworks, making their point in a demonstration featuring detonations and damaged dummies.

At a news conference in the Blue Hills Reservation, officials set off fireworks near a group of mannequins and then displayed the mangled figures.

In the past decade there have been 715 major cases of fire and explosion involving illegal fireworks reported in Massachusetts, with one death, 10 civilian injuries, eight firefighter injuries, and nearly $2 million in property damage, said State Fire Marshal Stephen D. Coan.

Fireworks send about 3,000 children under 15 to emergency rooms each year in the United States, Dr. Amy Rezak, a surgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, said in a statement.

The National Fire Protection Association estimates that in 2008, fireworks caused 22,500 fires, including 1,400 structure fires.

The fires caused an estimated $42 million in property damage.

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Rizkyzone said...

not a few problems caused by fireworks, so should be more carefu

anggar berkawand said...

You are now in a place where your thoughts have brought you; you will be in a place where your thoughts take you.

mascipul said...

don't use fireworks if you dont want get hurts.. lol

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