Making Fireworks Shells

At a recent fireworks shoot I attended a class of fireworks shell building. For $25.00 I was able to build a traditional cylinder shell called a break and report. Before you attempt to build your own fireworks you should receive instructions from a trained pyrotechnician or better yet attend one of these classes conducted by fireworks experts. The video covers me from start to finish building a shell and eventually firing it. Thanks to the Crackerjacks fireworks group I am able to bring you this great footage.

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Rizkyzone said...

sip sob vidionya menambah pengetahuan saya lagi

tomi said...

waw... ternyata gini to buat kembang api

Anonymous said...

I like to be a good maker Brother...

tomi said...

tp harus hati² nih waktu buatnya.. salah² ntr malah doooor meledak hehe

Rizkyzone said...

add another video of my knowledge

Lina Marliana said... making a cake..hehehe

munir ardi said...

very hard to make a firework without chemistry basic knowledge

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