Some Fireworks now Legal in Arizona

Some Fireworks now Legal in Arizona | The Arizona law caps years of lobbying by the fireworks industry.

We know before that Fireworks are illegal in Arizona

May 12, 2010 :
Fireworks are illegal in Arizona. It is against the law in Arizona to sell, use, explode, or even possess fireworks. Events that are held on any public school, state, or county properties that involve fireworks and and pyrotechnic displays must receive a permit from the Arizona State Fire Marshal.

How Are Fireworks Defined in AZ?

As far as Arizona is concerned, fireworks includes any "combustible or explosive composition, substance or combination of substances, or any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation..."
Skyrockets, firecrackers, torpedoes and roman candles all fall under the category of illegal fireworks. Many people in Arizona are surprised to learn that even sparklers are prohibited by law here. Actually, sparklers account for many burn injuries to children.

What is allowed?

The following are NOT defined as fireworks under Arizona law:
1. Toy pistols, toy canes, toy guns or other devices in which paper caps containing not more than twenty-five hundredths grains of explosive compound are used if constructed so that the hand cannot come in contact with the cap when in place for the explosion.

2. Toy pistol paper caps that contain less than twenty-hundredths grains of explosive mixture, or fixed ammunition or primers therefor.

3. Federally deregulated novelty items known as snappers, snap caps, party poppers or glow worms that contain less than twenty-five hundredths grains of explosive compound.

Where can I see the actual law about fireworks in AZ?

You can find the actual statutes about fireworks in Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 36, Chapter 13, Article 1.
Wasn't the law changed in 2009 making sparklers and firecrackers legal in Arizona?

A bill was introduced and passed, but the Governor vetoed it because of fire concerns.
Wasn't the law changed in 2010 making sparklers and firecrackers legal in Arizona?

Yes, it was, and this time the governor signed it. House Bill 2246 allows people who are 16 or older to buy and use ground and hand-held fireworks such as sparklers, glow worms, snakes, ground spinners and toy smoke devices. It is still illegal for people to purchase or use any fireworks, novelties or pyrotechnics that designed or intended to rise into the air, explode, detonate in the air or fly above the ground without a permit. These prohibited firework items commonly known as bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, torpedoes, roman 24 candles and jumping jacks. That Bill also allows any city or town in Arizona to override the law. That means that you must check with your city to make sure that they allow sparklers or the other ground devices. Don't forget -- just because you can purchase them somewhere doesn't mean that your city permits them to be used.

THE LAW DOES NOT GO INTO EFFECT UNTIL DECEMBER 1, 2010. That means that no changes are in place for July 4th in 2010.

A message from the City of Phoenix

"Leave fireworks to the professionals. Restrictions on fireworks are for a good cause. No matter how small or large a fireworks may be, it is a potential fire starter. But it is still possible to celebrate and enjoy the holiday. Families can consult the newspaper or local activity calendar and attend one of several approved, licensed fireworks displays around the Valley."
And, do I really need to say this? I guess I do, because it happens every year. For goodness sake--please don't shoot your gun or rifle into the air on the 4th of July for the noise effect. Someone could be hurt or killed.

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