Fireworks Tips : Fireworks photography tips

Fireworks photography tipsFireworks photography tips | Every New year celebration or other celebration days, we found the fireworks shows everywhere. And you as photography enthusiasts would not miss the opportunity photographing fireworks. The beautiful fireworks can be very proud to be on display to anyone.

But photographing fireworks is not as easy as imagined. Follow some photograpics tips:

Photographing fireworks tips #1 Use Tripod
It is very difficult to produce images sharp fireworks and not shaded. You must bring a tripod if you want a quality fireworks images. Besides the tripod, if you have a shutter releases (either cable or wireless), carry and use it. With the shutter release, your eyes will be free to watch the sky so that you may obtain the right moment greater.

Photographing fireworks tips #2 Do not guess the direction of fireworks
One of the main photographing fireworks difficult is because unpredictable fireworks direction, so try not to guess. Simply set the zoom lens so you can sweep a wide area (standard zoom lens is ideally used in this condition). That way, wherever the fireworks blow you can take pictures very well. Only after you edit it on your computer, you can crop the image, whether to crop narrow blossoms only at the end of it or the surrounding area covers extensive.

Photographing fireworks tips #3 Use largest resolution camera
Use the largest image size that can be produced by your camera. Set large file sizes (Example for 12 Mpx cameras, the large size: 4288 x 2848 pixels). This is to support the objectives of the 2 Photographing fireworks tips above, so when you to crop the fireworks image, the image is cropped still good enough to print large size. More ideal if the camera has a RAW feature.

Photographing fireworks tips #4 turns off auto focus
Autofocus camera will not fast enough to take a fireworks displays that blow in randomly areas. For that turn off autofocus and use manual focus. While still in autofocus mode, search the buildings or objects with a distance approximately equal to the emergence of fireworks, focus onto that object. After that turn off the autofocus camera and switch it to manual focusing.

Photographing fireworks tips#5 Turn off the flash
Your flash camera will not be useful at all when shooting fireworks because of the short range and could even aggravate the image because the light areas are not necessary.

Photographing fireworks tips #6 Tips exposure settings
Use manual exposure mode, and for fireworks shooting conditions in general, use the following exposure settings: normal fireworks Speed: Aperture F/16 - Shutter 2 seconds and ISO 100 or Aperture: f/14 - shutter 2-second and ISO 200 ; rapid sequence Fireworks: Aperture: f/18 - Shutter 1:25 seconds and ISO 100. You can freely change the settings based that you like.

Photographing fireworks tips #7 Take many pictures
Yes, because you do not need to buy a movie, do not limit yourself, shoot and snap as many times as you want. The more you snap more good photos that could be obtained.

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Rizkyzone said...

saya punya koleksi beberapa gambar kembang api yang saya abadikan via kamera ponsel

Rizkyzone said...

I have a collection of some of my fireworks pictures via camera phone snap

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