Disneyland Paris - The Enchanted Fireworks mix 2010 - Les Feux Enchantés

Disneyland Paris - The Enchanted Fireworks mix 2010 - Les Feux Enchantés

Watch the amazing Disneyland Fireworks show, the Enchanted Fireworks, taken in july 2010. This year again some changes in the fireworks display what makes it fun to wacht and compare with last year (see my video of last year also on my profile)

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Unknown said...

Pkbr Irfan.. Salut ma Irfan nih, ide postingan tentang firework ga da habis2nya tuh.. hunting berita terus yah ?
Semoga sukses yah.. :)

ibnumuksimn said...

I hope i win

Rizkyzone said...

good afternoon my friend, sorry I just can visit here, yesterday evening langt Lebaran my town filled with decorative fireworks

Rizkyzone said...

I almost forgot because my whole family atmosphere is still Lebaran inner and outer apologize if I ever have one particular word in a comment

Apartment for rent in Cannes said...

I just can visit here, yesterday evening langt Lebaran my town filled with decorative fireworks

Rizkyzone said...

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