Fireworks Info : Firework Safety #3

Firework Safety #3

Fireworks store

- Store fireworks in a safe dry place
- Keep fireworks away from small children.
- Fireworks are not toys!
- Do not loose fireworks in your pocket.

Fireworks safety stand

- Read the instructions carefully before because it's probably dark outside!
- Don't Drink before too much alcohol,
- Turn down the fireworks so that no sparks or other fireworks may get.
- Put rockets in a bottle filled with sand or a special tripod.
- Never set off fireworks in your hand away, put it down first.
- Insert fireworks with a cigarette, never use matches or a lighter.
- Keep at least 6 meters away.
- Put each piece separately off fireworks.
- Never throw fireworks at people or animals.
- Cross conscientious never again

And after ...

- Clean up your mess, lets not particularly conscientious on the street, many young children look for the next day fireworks debris and try again to stabbing.

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Rizkyzone said...

tips are very useful especially for the fireworks as I like this

mascipul said...

that great tips, but i don't need to do it. i don't have any fireworks. lol

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